The future is here and it's going to revolutionise school management!
The start of a new school year is a period of intense activity in the various departments of a school. What many people don't realise is that there are ways to unburden teams and regain control of the situation. Let's keep it short and sweet, because school management could fill a library.

The start of a new school year is a period of intense activity in the various departments of a school.
Pupils enrol, others don't, teachers come and go, meetings are postponed, planning is done, suddenly new legislation is on the way, timetables on the right, equipment on the left, communication with parents and reports everywhere. A good Hollywood film.
What many people don't realise is that there are ways to unburden teams and regain control of the situation.
But there's a yes and a no before we go any further.
Yes, it's technology on an educational, centralised, integrated and simplifying platform. No, you probably haven't seen what we're talking about. If you think it's just about student and class records, transcripts, invoicing and teacher integration, there's a lot to discover in this text.
Let's keep it short and sweet, because school management could fill a library.
Enrolments, biographies, classes, school calendars
Schools using traditional processes and platforms tend to get lost in the tangle of records and administrative elements. Mainly because areas such as team management, professional development, curriculum and communication are scattered across multiple systems.
Planning for the new school year takes place between paperwork, forms, meetings, emails and phone calls to resolve issues.
Let's look at the whole to understand the parts. Let's assume that the school uses an integrated, global and intelligent platform. The scenario changes completely.
Enrolments with all data and history integrated. Classes created with intelligent functionalities, integration of timetables and teachers with simple clicks or dragging of options. Interactive, intuitive and customisable. All the dimensions of this stage are available, inter-communicable and editable.
It's not just about creating quick, easy-to-navigate windows in a few clicks. Editing to change any of the layers is just as quick and easy. Simplifying processes reduces the workload for all teams. Classes, students, timetables and teaching teams are no longer the focus of the school's attention and are always accessible and quick to edit. Because relationships are the most important thing.
Communication, curriculum and planning
We're talking about a new generation of school platforms. On the same platform, you can easily integrate curriculum plans with planning for each subject or curriculum group and team projects. Work that is shared, results that are multiplied. Materials, adaptations and suggestions that can be shared quickly by all.
Activity plans per teacher or group that are easily accessible and developed collaboratively. Progress and results don't depend on emails and systematic meetings. Work is visible, freeing teachers and teams from repetitive tasks such as copying and pasting, going to one folder to put something in another, changing something there to put it here.
Because it is integrated with administrative management, all this is immediately linked to any adjustments made to classes, students or teaching teams.
The intelligent agendas of a platform like e-Schooling make it possible to monitor and manage everyone's involvement and availability. It's easy to schedule meetings and to create flexibility and overlap.
Teachers and school leaders are freed from much of the repetitive and superfluous bureaucracy and procedures, from worries about losing information, and can focus on more fruitful and efficient tasks. Biographical data, individual histories, activity plans, debates, accessible and editable plans.
What better way to start the school year than with more motivated teachers (and administrative teams) and less anxiety. Making teacher wellbeing a priority.
Families and students
Get ready, because the people who make your school what it is will be on the same platform. And everything you've been doing with the secretariat, finance, teachers and headteachers will be linked to what you need to do for families.
Some schools, such as vocational schools, have high drop-out rates at the beginning of the school year. In others, it's not a problem. But information, communication and good integration into the school environment will determine everyone's success and satisfaction.
Families receive all the information they need to start the year in their feed and through automated communication, such as the necessary teaching materials, classes, timetables, calendars, motivational messages, activities and projects. What's more, if school leaders so wish, they can involve families without the need for additional meetings in the creation of induction plans and activities to facilitate everyone's integration.
For pupils who move up a year, the platform has already provided data on results, but also on learning reinforcement needs and even ways of planning this integrated work with everyone's diaries.
A school platform like e-Schooling, which integrates management, communication, teaching and learning, is the future of education, starting next school year. And it's not just a future as described here, it's a customisable future, written and created by you, tailored to your vision.
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